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Nature Program

An innovative way of learning that focuses on developing personal and social skills, self-confidence, risk-taking, problem-solving, creativity, independence, and curiosity

Nature program provides an immersive and engaging nature environment that sparks curiosity and fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of the natural world.

Outdoor Astronomy Class

What is Nature Program?

Our Nature program is adapted from the Forest School approach, which has been around since the 1950s, but it has only recently grown in popularity due to its holistic approach to learning. While participating at our Nature Program, children are given time to explore their environment at their own pace in order to develop an appreciation for nature and the outdoors.


Sessions are tailored to suit individual needs, interests, and abilities so that each child can experience success during learning activities. By encouraging exploration and discovery through play, children have the opportunity to take risks in a safe environment, which helps build confidence and resilience as well as developing communication skills.

Nature Class
Kids Playing Outside

Benefits of Participating at Nature Program

In addition to physical benefits such as increased fitness levels from being outdoors, research has also shown that participation in Nature Program leads to psychological improvements in concentration levels along with improving social behaviour within groups. Furthermore, it promotes positive attitudes toward learning, which can increase motivation for academic study.

Overall, forest schools provide an engaging alternative way of teaching that uses natural resources as tools for learning while simultaneously inspiring awe and respect for the environment. It’s often said that ‘the best classroom is outdoors’ - so let’s get out there!

Four Key Components of our Program

Based on the learning characteristics of children, our nature program consists of four key components: outdoor activities, sensory activities, creative activities, and self- identification. Through these activities, children are able to develop their intellectual, emotional, social, and physical abilities.

Outdoor Education

What to Prepare 



Autumn Walk


  • Warm, comfortable clothes that allow free movement, such as long- sleeved shirts, pants, and leggings.


  • Fleece jackets, sweaters, or vests to layer over their clothes.


  • Waterproof jackets or raincoats to keep them dry in case of rain. o Warm hats and gloves to keep them warm on chilly days.


  • Extra set of clothes (including underwear + socks)


  • A backpack to carry extra clothes, snacks, and water. 


  • A reusable water bottle.


  • A small towel to dry off any dampness.


  • Sunscreen and insect repellent. 


Girl in Pink Coat


  • Insulated, waterproof boots with good traction for snowy and icy conditions.


  • Warm socks, preferably wool or synthetic material.


  • Thermal long underwear or base layers to wear under clothes. o Heavy winter jackets or coats.


  • Scarves, hats, and water-repellent gloves to keep them warm. o Snow pants or overalls to protect them from the snow.


  • Extra pairs of mittens and socks.


  • A backpack to carry extra clothes, snacks, and water.


  • Hand and feet warmers for extra warmth.


  • A thermos filled with hot chocolate or warm soup.


  • Sunglasses to protect them from snow-blind on snowy days.



  • Warm, comfortable clothes that allow free movement, such as long- sleeved shirts, pants, and leggings.


  • Fleece jackets, sweaters, or vests to layer over their clothes.


  • Waterproof jackets or raincoats to keep them dry in case of rain. o Warm hats and gloves to keep them warm on chilly days.


  • Extra set of clothes (including underwear + socks)


  • A backpack to carry extra clothes, snacks, and water. 


  • A reusable water bottle.


  • A small towel to dry off any dampness.


  • Sunscreen and insect repellent. 

Child sitting on fallen tree



  • Lightweight, breathable clothes that provide sun protection, such as long-sleeved shirts and pants.


  • Sun hats and sunglasses to protect them from the sun.


  • Sandals or water shoes that can get wet.


  • A backpack to carry extra clothes, snacks, and water.


  • A reusable water bottle.


  • A small towel to dry off any dampness.


  • Sunscreen and insect repellent.


  • A portable fan or mister to keep them cool.


  • Sun hats and sunglasses protect them from the sun.

Child hiking
Phi Education

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Phi Education

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